Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Beer of the Day

Ah yes September 29th. The day my life ends and begins. Anyways thats besides the point, We are hear to talk about beer! I remember having my first black buttw porter while playing Battlefield 2142 in its competition hay day. I actually ad quite a taste for it but had heard you could mix in hot apple cider and it would be cash! Well guess what?!?! It fucking is assholes! Try it, seriously, do it. You will not be disappointed!

"Appears black with a tan head.

It smells slightly smoky, caramel like, vanilla like, and coffee like.

It tastes much like the smell. There is a smooth coffee flavor. A subtle caramel flavor. A slight vanilla flavor. A subtle bitterness. This is very well balanced it is quite creamy.

The carbonation is moderate low.

The drinkability is very good. The balance of the beer makes it go down smooth.

Overall a very good porter. In my opinion there should be slightly bolder flavors in the beer. But it is still an excellent and very drinkable smooth porter."


  1. I'm going to buy some next time I go to the store and try it out sir.

  2. This sounds like a delicious beer! I must try it.

  3. It really makes you taste it :)

  4. I love a good Porter, I may have to look into this one.

  5. Just looking at the label, it didnt look good, but you sold me on it with your words. I will be on the lookout for this one for sure!

  6. Would you categorize this as a "bitch beer?"

  7. yèèèh but you should try the Morocain Beer ! ! !

  8. there's nothing quite like a dark beer =)

  9. every beer is a good beer ;]

  10. the apple cider makes it sound delicious. now i'm craving one :(

  11. that was interesting... can't wait to see what you post tomorrow

  12. I like this blog. I'll check back tomorrow for a new update :)

  13. Fuck yeah, a beer blog!! I adore beer :D

    Live in Belgium, so lots of good brews here :)

  14. I like my beer light, I love coors light and I also dont like my beer sour so there goes all the island beer down the drain, I might try this though it sounds good! I like my beer brewed in the ice cold rockies
